Concerts, September 2017
Tour, Basque Country, Spain
Vocalia Taldea conducted by Basilio Astulez
Premiere of the commissioned piece “Salve Regina”
The concert Mirrors will be on tour during fall 2017 and then recorded in 2018 for an upcoming CD.
More info on exact concert locations when they are decided.
St. Jadwiga and St. Jacob Church, Lusowo, Poland
Skowronki girls choir, conducted by Alicja Szeluga
Propsteikirche, Dortmund, Germany
Mädchenchor am Essener Dom conducted by Raimund Wipperman
Concert name: Sehnsuchtsbilder as a part of 2017
Dortmund, Germany
Cant’Ella, conducted by Bine Becker-Beck
As a part of Landeschorwettbewerb Nordrhein-Westfalen
Der Herr ist mein Hirte